Field contains the attributes of an app. With these fields, you can view the Space, maps, or user information, or you can store values for later.
🔒 Fields with this icon are read-only fields that cannot be revised.
Name | Description |
🔒 spaceHashID | Outputs the hash value of the Space where the app is installed |
🔒 mapHashID | Outputs the hash value of the map where the app is installed |
🔒 creatorID | Calls the ID value of the player who executed the app |
🔒 players | Calls a list of all players on the map as an array |
🔒 playerCount | Calls the number of all players on the map where the app is installed |
cameraEffect | Variable value to set the type of camera effect |
cameraEffectParam | Range value of camera effect |
displayRatio | Value to control display zooming |
storage | App value storage space in the Space (Space limited) |
followPlayer | Determines if the app’s follow function is enabled |
showName | Determines if the player's nickname is hidden |
🔒 appHashID | Calls the hash value of the app |
📚 API Description and Example
spaceHashID & mapHashID
App.spaceHashID: String App.mapHashID: String
This calls spaceHashID and mapHashID of the Space where an app is installed. (Understanding Spaces and Maps)
Display spaceHashID and mapHashID of the map where an app is installed.
App.creatorID: Number
This calls the ID value of the player who executed the app.
Display the nickname of the player who executed the app.
App.players: ScriptPlayer[]
This calls a list of all players on the map as an array.
Display the nicknames of all players on the map.
App.playerCount: Number
This calls the number of all players on the map where the app is installed
Display the number of all players on the map.
cameraEffect & cameraEffectParam1
App.cameraEffect: NONE = 0, SPOTLIGHT = 1 App.cameraEffectParam1: Number
App.cameraEffect: variable value to set the type of camera effect
App.cameraEffectParam1: range value of camera effect
Make a function to turn the vignette effect on/off.
App.displayRatio: Number
Value to control display zooming (default value: 1)
Bind a zoom function to q to control display zooming.
storage String
App value storage space in the Space (Space limited)
Save a simple text to App storage.
Saved values don’t disappear even though the app ends
App.followPlayer: Boolean
This shows whether the app’s follow function is enabled (default value: false)
When normal apps or Mini-Game apps are running, the “follow” function becomes deactivated as followPlayer value is set to false.
Make a function to turn the follow function on or off.
App.showName: Boolean
This shows whether the player's nickname is hidden.
When App.showName is set to false, the nickcnames of all players are hidden.
App.appHashID: String
This calls the hash value of the app
Display the app's HashID to the chat window.
Last updated