Event Listeners


Provided below are functions that activate when data is sent to the App from the widget.

📚 API Explanation and Example


widget.onMessage.Add(function(player, data: any){});

Callback function that activates when a message is sent from the widget to the App.



Create a function to close the widget screen when x is pressed.

// Activates function when a player enters
App.onJoinPlayer.Add(function (player) {
	player.tag = {
		widget: null,

	player.tag.widget = player.showWidget("sample.html.html", "top", 600, 500);
	player.tag.widget.onMessage.Add(function (player, msg) {
		// Closes the widget when the 'type: close' message is sent from the widget to the App 
		if (msg.type == "close") {
			player.showCenterLabel("Widget has been closed.");
			player.tag.widget = null;

sample.html: Button and script section

<i onclick="closeWidget()" class="fa-solid fa-xmark"></i>
<script type="text/javascript">
			// Calls the function when x button is pressed
			function closeWidget() {
				// Sends message to App 
						type: "close",

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